The Importance of Patience


It has become the norm in our everyday busy lives to expect everything to happen instantaneously, and to become instantly aggravated when it doesn't. The result is that we tend to feel agitated, rushed, stressed and unhappy nearly all the time. Not to mention how we affect people around us.

Patience does not mean passivity or resignation. Patience is a power. It is an freeing practice of waiting, watching, and knowing when to act. It is an active state, a choice to hold tight until intuition says "make your move". It means waiting your turn, knowing your turn will come.

When we slow down and reclaim the forgotten virtue of patience on a daily basis we make better decisions and feel better about ourselves. "The Power of Patience" by M. J. Ryan calls on us to reclaim our time, our priorities, and our ability to respond to life with a firmly grounded sense of who we are. Find out more about patience and the book on Amazon and/or on M.J. Ryan's website.