Where in the Life Cycle is Your Team?



Organisations and teams, like products, go through different life cycles. Where are you with your team? Are you in the Go-Go stage with little order to the business, or are you in a stability phase with an increasing focus on short-term financial goals, or in a bureaucracy stage when procedure manuals become thicker and thicker?

Maybe you have a new team with a broad mix of business- and functional experiences, where cultural backgrounds, languages and values differ. The team's overall role and deliverables have been defined but you want to benefit from constructing a good team foundation, from the very beginning.

Or perhaps your existing team is growing. New positions and roles have been added to ensure improved performance and more effective delivery of goals, objectives and projects. The current team members know each other relatively well and they have established their attitudes and beliefs, sometimes limiting ones. The joining team members bring new perspectives and experiences. Expectations and excitements are mixed. Misunderstandings are common.

Or does your team handle and adapt to external company requirements. There is some stability, but external factors needs to be understood and integrated to ensure continued progress and high team performance.

Working in a team can be fantastic, if team members work well together. However, if people are pulling in different directions, the experience can be dreadful. What is worse is that without sufficient direction teams can focus on the wrong objectives, may fail to use important resources, can be torn apart with infighting, and can fail, with sometimes important consequences for the entire organisation.

Anyone can steer the ship when the sea is calm. A real test of a solid team is to withstand challenging times and unforeseen external factors. The better team strengths as well as weak points are understood, the better prepared a team can be during turbulent times.

We have long experience from working with teams across industries. Contact us today to learn about our customised team leadership programmes.